Results: What Have We Learned So Far?

Written by: SelfChanger | Posted on: | Category:

Copyright SelfChanger@2021

When the SelfChanger research team began collecting results, we used survey software from commercial on-line providers. These products offered some powerful collection methods, and we’ve summarized our findings here. This data was collected from several random sample groups. The dimensional depth of this study is limited to protect participant privacy. This is just a start. As we continue our research using the newly developed SelfChanger™ platform, we will publish our findings with deeper levels of insights.

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What age group do you belong to? The results reported in this blog include all age groups. A high number of respondents were under the age of 35, with over half being between the age of 18 and 35. In future research, we will recruit higher numbers of older participants.

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What gender do you identify with? Those who identify as male made up a large portion of respondents, but the results in this publication include all genders.

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Do you watch porn?

Almost 90% of respondents affirmed that they do watch porn. The following results include the responses of only these respondents.

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How often do you watch porn?

Almost two thirds of respondents indicated that they watch porn daily or more than once per day. Frequency of use, on its own, is not a predictor of a problem. However, it may indicate the preference of porn over other activities.

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Do any of these match how you feel about your porn usage?

Understanding how people feel about their behaviors is complicated. This question provides a simple breakdown of experiences for people to relate to. For many, their use of porn is no big deal, or is just a habit. For some porn feels like an addiction, which indicates that a large group of respondents are feeling a loss of control.

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How private is your porn use?

Overwhelmingly, respondents let us know that they keep their use of porn secret. The self-reported need for privacy can lead to feelings of isolation and shame. These factors work against a person’s self-interest to get help. SelfChanger’s driving purpose is to reach people in isolation with tools that help them feel heard and accepted.

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Have you ever been asked to quit porn?

Almost one third of respondents admitted to being asked to quit porn. We can’t currently provide data on what entails “being asked to quit.” This could be the direct words of a partner or parent, or it could be a religious leader giving their church direction on whether or not porn is ok. In future research, we plan to follow up this question to gain more clarity on the social pressure around behaviors.

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What device do you use to watch porn?

The mobile experience offered by smartphones has become the go-to for porn viewing. But, as people are not limited to just one device option, we did not limit this question to only one choice. Laptops and desktop computers are also being used to view porn, and a smaller percentage use tablets. Magazines and DVDs are fully a relic of the past to our sample group. In future research projects, we will be expanding this selection to include the emerging impact of virtual reality, augmented reality, and robotics.

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When do you watch porn?

Smartphones have massively changed when we can access the internet and, by following that logic, porn. Our panel of respondents let us know that no time of day is off the table for viewing porn, but most find that they commonly watch before bed or late at night.

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Where are you when you watch porn?

The high mobility of smartphones doesn’t seem to significantly impact where our sample group chooses to watch porn. Though some do watch in locations like their work or school, or during their commute, the vast majority view when they are home.

With these questions we have begun to improve our understanding of opinions and experiences people are having with porn. The more we know, the better we can meet the needs of those who want to address behaviors that are creating discord or anxiety in life.

Do you have ideas for questions you think we should be asking? Send us a message.

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Developing new treatments for people facing issues with adult content.

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